Felipe Ong

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Felipe Ong, Head of Asia Pacific, Industrial Explosion Protection Division with BS&B Safety Systems has over 35 years of industrial experiences with the past 18 years focusing on Dust Explosion Protection Technologies. His experience covers a wide spectrum of industry segments including Food & Beverage, Specialty Chemical, Pharmaceutical, Grains, Animal feeds, Tobacco, Cement, Sugar, Milk Powder, Wood Products, Pulp & Paper, Chemical & Petrol Chemical, Oil & Gas & Power Generation Industries.

Felipe travels extensively across Asia Pacific Regions as well as Europe & have extensive knowledge on the latest Codes & Standards, best engineering practices driven by both USA (NFPA) & European Standard (ATEX) as well as China (Chinese GB) & Australia & NZ (AS/NZS) & Singapore Standard SS667. He had conducted many Sites Risk Assessment, assisted several customers in incident finding and have provided practical Solution to many of his customers in this area.

He is an active member of IChemE, Society of loss Prevention (SLP, Singapore), NFPA and have been conducting many public seminar & trainings for many MNCs, Government institution, Insurance Industries, Fire Departments, Universities, Trade associations, Safety bodies across Asia Pacific rim to promote safety awareness on this topic with many practical case studies as well as offer practical solution to mitigate this risk!

He also presents technical papers regularly in trade magazine, shows as well & had presented in many international safety congresses as well.

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